Tuesday, March 25, 2008

i got tagged by alberty

5 cds in my player
Sister Carol-Dread Natty Congo
Sister Nancy-Bam Bam
Dancehall Soundtrack
Bob Marely
Zizgy Marely

5 movies i saw recently
Space Jam
the Lion King

5 Nice Things That Happened to Me Recently
i got my licensed
i have my car
i have good grades
i have a job
i have a computer

5 People I Plan To Tag
Kathy cullen

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fastest man in the world that win the running of bejin 08 usain bolt


My home

My Home Place.

There is a place I lived and was born is Jamaica
It is peaceful place because of the beach, people, city and food
I go there when I am homesick for it
Then I will take the airplane down there.

There is a place where everyone likes it
It looks beautiful when you see it because the crystal water sparkles when the sun shines
I got there when I was thirteen back home
Silence peace and harmony
If Jamaica was a rich place everyone would see it more.

our country mascot

our country mascot
shrimp back in the jurassic period

the good shoes to wear in america

Space Jam